Unlimited Courage Attracts The Church

Jun 21, 2024


One of the largest groups of interest in Unlimited Courage at the moment, is coming from the christian church. 

They often want me to join their church, to join their congregation because clearly they see something in Unlimited Courage, a different offering, that the church doesn’t have or perhaps has been lost. 

Many have watched the videos or downloaded the audio and become intrigued with our message of courage. Young men in particular are swaying our way, sick of their culture of appeasement, fragility and corruption. 

Men are drawn to a robust, uncompromising, powerful guiding principle of behaviour. 

The West has created a deliberate identity crisis and a lack of meaningful values. This has led to men looking elsewhere for another meaningful path. 

In Japan, there is a certain church group that teaches the christian faith alongside Bushido - the philosophy of the warrior. 

I understand this. This is the cultivating of both kindness and fierceness. When faith and such a formidable philosophy come together, courage becomes a primary focus and takes what is commonly a superficial flirting with faith, into a powerful embodiment of action. 

There is great truth in the saying Fortune Favours The Brave. 

Many of my clients have no interest or belief in God and they certainly don’t need too but after immersing themselves in the philosophy of our seven courages, they often start to believe in a higher power of something else due to the proof of feedback in their own lives.  

There is a very real self empowerment and faith that comes from discipline, responsibility and a life aimed at courage. 

The future will tell if certain religions will continue to expand whilst others continue to shrink and struggle. Regardless of this, the ancient philosophies that offer a guiding principle of behaviour and proof through action, will continue to grow and gain traction. 

The rituals of religion are often used as proof of practise and devotion but in the old philosophies this just doesn’t cut it and it is courage and leading from example in all of life's endeavours, that a man’s commitment to changing himself is really seen. 

As an example, Buddhism is often referred to as a religion but it’s more a philosophy, a practise that frees someone so they can be lead to truth.It is focused on cleaning the lens of perception more than any notion of God. 

Buddhist monasteries in Japan and other parts of the world are definitely more disciplined than the Christian church. 

Buddhism has great appeal but also scares people off,  because it demands immediate commitment to practise more than just attend a service or perform a ritual. 

I believe the Japanese idea of combining faith and their philosophy of Bushido is fantastic and might just be closer to the incredible courage the early christian’s displayed, more than what we see now. 


 The Kingmakers Course 

Our next Kingmakers course will start in September. This leads on nicely from the section above, where an actual practise of courage and demand to discover a personal potential and meaning is clearly needed. 

I’m looking forward to outlining the philosophy of our 7 Courages throughout, as well as the physical and mindset practises, that hone a man towards the robust, courageous version he often never knew existed. 

The last time we ran it, one of the guys during a private chat openly wept and said: 

 “I just never knew I could be this way and be able to do what I’m doing now.” 

A wonderful moment. 

We have plenty of details coming up but for now and for more details you can visit: 


 The Biggest Fear 

The biggest fears are those where we have to be the most vulnerable to see the error of our ways and yet the real long term suffering comes from their avoidance.

It involves a certain degree of pain to let go of grandiose behaviour, superiority, victimhood and the image we build of ourselves. 

after-all, we build lives around these traits. 

The multitude of personalities we can contain are all built around how we want to be perceived by others and anyone that tries to move beyond this will notice their power, as they fight to keep us exactly as we are. 

In a previous video I explained this very real battle and why the more fixed an image is, the harder it is to relinquish. 

The link for this video is below:


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