The Masculine Edge

Jul 18, 2024

This week we ramp up the coverage for Unlimited Courage throughout the uk and beyond.

We have already been turned down, as our critique of men sharing their feelings as the wonder antidote to male angst, is as expected, running into resistance.

Yes our message is different, an opposite stance to whats on offer and a program that doesn’t say you need to embrace your feminine side, constantly talk about your feelings and be in constant fear of slipping into toxic masculinity.

Instead we suggest the issue is not fully embracing the masculine and the incredible life this offers each and every man that has had enough of a society that has made him miserable and uncertain about himself.

What does not fully embracing the masculine mean?

It means you will people please due to the uncertainty of your own power.

It means you will sabotage your own goals because of fear or lack of self belief.

It means you will live a silent desperation due to the fact you know you can be so much more.

It means you settle - a bad relationship, or job or life of mediocrity, due to fear of failure.

It means you will pay too much attention to the media because you don’t trust your own instincts.

A man can make himself so fragile, he will will fight to stay there, even though it’s destroying him.

I saw a client a few years ago, a young man of 30 who told me he just can’t stand the toxic masculinity of people like Joe Rogan and David Goggins.

After a couple of sessions he started to realise he no longer thought for himself and labelling strong opinionated men toxic, was the label he gave them so he didn’t feel inadequate or have to fully embrace his own masculinity.

It is often said how we hate characteristics in others we live within ourselves but it’s equally true, we can condemn traits in others because we secretly desire the parts of them we lack.

This is why we have a society that celebrates the fall of those in the public eye. If we can convince ourselves that personal betterment is pointless and there is nothing worth striving for, we set our standards lower, encased in the excuses that come with it.

My client was knocking traits in other men that he wished he had in himself.

Now he trains hard, eats well and aims at a philosophy of courage.

He shed the lie of modernity, where being harmless is a virtue and being constantly liked is empowerment.

His lived in misery due to this lie and it had made him bitter, angry and resentful.

That’s what the societal attacks on masculinity do to a man.

I am committed to changing this and exposing this untruth that I believe has created immense harm.

Only strong men can love fully, speak the truth and protect what really matters to them.

Society is positively built this way. 

Picture by Simon Steinberger

14 Peaks: Nothing Is Impossible.   

This film has been on Netflix since 2021 and features Nepalese mountaineering legend Nimsdai Punja and his team of skilled Sherpas.

He attempts to climb fourteen peaks that are all above 8,000m into the Death Zones in seven months.

At the time, the record stood at just under eight years.

This is an incredible documentary that reveals the capacity for resilience, endurance and triumph of the human spirit.

Nimsdai Punja was also the first person to climb and summit Everest, Lhotse and Makalu within 48 hours. 

14 peaks is incredibly inspiring and worth the time to watch.


 New Podcast 

I recently sent an email but due to some serious email deliverability issues with Kajabi that is creating problems across Europe, a large chunk of my subscribers didn’t receive it. 

As a result, I’m sharing the podcast again I recently recorded with my good friend, Steve Head, who is also an expert coach at Unlimited Courage. We discuss how the Kingmakers course is redefining coaching for men, the need for better hero figures and how to change society, whilst changing yourself.

The link is below;

As always, if you have any questions, please get in touch at [email protected]

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