The Emperors New Clothes & The New Kings
Jan 03, 2025Many people are familiar with the Hans Christian Anderson tale of The Emperors New Clothes.
The story describes how two con men fool a vain emperor who is obsessed with new clothes, into believing only the intelligent and brave will be able to see the clothes they design him.
Despite being naked, the emperors officials went along with it through fear of appearing incompetent.
Everyone went along with it in fear of being deemed a fool until at last a child in the crowd cries out that the emperor is naked.
This is the modern society we now live in.
People are too frightened to speak against the political, educational, health policies, religious ideologies and even biological lies that are tainting the world around us.
As an example, biological men can now compete against women in competitive sports. Both men and women stand on the sidelines of this spectacle, clapping like trained seals and celebrate through false praise, as the age of the fake and the coward gain ground.
There are a whole range of untruths, false information and outright lies being peddled as truth.
Lying is now a deliberate strategy.
We now have a fabricated morality designed to mask not just truth but the weakness of those that cannot find the capacity to be strong and just.
This dishonesty is a poison, that encourages fragility and the celebration of victimhood.
By celebrating submission and harmlessness we condemn personal responsibility, courage and genuine integrity.
As we look out upon society, the structures of respect and prestige have collapsed under this glorifying of weakness.
We may rightly ask:
Where are the heroes of society?
Where is the standard of a knightly code of honour?
The House of Lords, politics, the world of celebrity, sport, charities and many other institutions are not the bearers of honour and courage we were led to believe and these structures of society were created by us through our own unquestioned beliefs.
They don’t represent us but reflect us.
These institutions have become part of the culture of submission and obedience and are often rolled out, and instructed to promote any ideology.
Within all of these institutions, it is the rare few, not the many, that stand often alone, against the trend of deceit.
Is this the society we want to continue to cultivate and live in?
Where most men cower in the corner waiting for the efforts of better men to save them?
I believe 2025 will be a turning point.
I truly believe men need to turn away from the current trend of weakness and false honour promoted in society and become kings unto themselves.
It is the serious decision to live with genuine courage and honour that will elevate a man above and beyond the virtue signalling and dishonesty we see in society.
The structures of society we looked towards as examples of morality and honour have often been revealed as false.
There is now nowhere to look but at the reflection in the mirror.
There is nothing negative about this but a huge opportunity to transform our personal lives and society at the same time.
It has always been this way.
The world of so called self-development never was just about the individual but setting the standard for his society and in so doing, changing it for those to follow.
Courage in its genuine meaning, allows us to pursue our personal ambitions whilst simultaneously forging our society towards one where as many people as possible, are encouraged to explore their own strength and potential.
Happy New Year to you all.
Let’s make this year one for the rise of the new kings.
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