Giving The Dark Wolf A Voice
Dec 03, 2024A Tale Of Two Wolves
Some time ago I wrote about the Cherokee story of the two wolves.
This demonstrates the powerful tribal knowledge of the dark side of human nature and how it must be given a voice, other wise it will cause chaos.
Carl Jung coined the term ‘the shadow’ the dark side of us, or the blind spot of the psyche and clearly many cultures understood this but just used different terminology to explain the light and dark of man.
The video above is the Cherokee tale of the light and dark wolves describing the inner battle inside of us all.
Looking Out For Those In Need
Last time I mentioned the fear and uncertainty of our current times.
I am saddened and alarmed to hear of so many people taking their lives during these turbulent times.
In the last two weeks, I have heard of three men taking their own lives due to stress and pressure.
I did not know these men but they were friends and family of people I know very well.
If you know anyone that is struggling, please ask them to contact us at [email protected]
In times of such uncertainty, it is important we put ourselves forward to help those in need.
I’m not guaranteeing we can help everyone but if we can, we will help.
We are becoming accepting of tragic deaths and even normalising the loss of life.
Death in war, suicides and other circumstances seem far apart from us when our own lives are untouched by the tragedy of others.
But I tell myself regularly, we all contribute to the cruelty and the tragedy of the world.
I always found the paragraph below by Albert Einstein particularly relevant and a reminder of how we need to expand our compassion.
“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to the affection its few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”
The division we see around us is created by the division within ourselves.
Although this is of course being deliberately created by societal power structures around us, our greatest task will always remain to free ourselves of the war within.
Helping others is an effective way we can help those in need and ourselves at the same time.
Please look out for those that may need your help at this time of year.
Kingmakers Webinar
We plan to launch the Kingmakers webinar next Wednesday!
I will be covering:
How to aim your entire life at courage and get everything you want as a result.
How to set a personal standard to crate the best relationships and opportunities.
How to become a man who can identify and protect what really matters to you.
The 5 biggest mistakes for men.
The 3 biggest discoveries that make the difference between staying as you are and creating genuine change.
Lastly, the single biggest problem men have in modern society and it's so significant, it has come up time and time again in my decades of coaching.
It will be the most revealing webinar for men and is set to redefine how men are coached.
Until next time,
All the best to you,
Simon Lee
Unlimited Courage
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