5 Ways To Become A Superior Man

Oct 04, 2024
Photo by momental via pixabay

Man As The Marble & The Sculptor

In my experience, great ambitions and visions come from the man who primarily aims at courage and places everything else as a secondary focus. 

Why is this so important? 

Because whilst the achievement of a goal will inevitably change a man’s mindset to a degree, if he doesn't have a primary aim at courage in all aspects of his life, he often finds himself with the traits he wanted to relinquish despite any success. 

Or the success itself, may warp his values and character because he never built the mental resolve to withstand the temptations that come with success as we so often see in politics. 

So let’s look at five ways for men to build an incorruptible force within themselves. 

1. Have a code of courage.

A superior man has a code of courage. He is not a prostitute to money, fame or anything else that weakens him. Courage is the beacon, the guiding light and a protective force not just for himself but for those around him. Cowardice and the embracing of Wokeness - the celebration of victimhood, leads to mental illness. 

As written in the teachings of Psychologist Alfred Adler: 

“Neurosis and psychosis are modes of expression for human beings who have lost their courage,” 

This is why we are seeing such moral bankruptcy across the Western world, reflected by leaders of cowardice who are enticing men towards weakness and harmlessness. 

As a man, you get to choose whether to indulge this cowardice and culture of lies within yourself or not. Ultimately it is down to you to free yourself or participate in the suicide of your society. 

A man of courage is far more likely to define the world as a force for good and will be the only one who can explore the upper limits of his potential. 

“If a man had everything taken away from him, does he disappear or is he still standing?” 

2. Master The Senses.

Many men fool themselves into thinking they can indulge porn, drugs and alcohol and become a man of mastery. Vice is something you don’t control but takes control of you. 

It is not the habits on display to the world that define you but the habits you indulge behind closed doors.

What you cannot stop indulging, infiltrate every relationship, ambition and belief. They are not harmless hidden habits but become extensions of who you are in the world. 

Take note of what you watch, consume and listen too and correct what doesn’t serve you, before it consumes you. 

The capacity to do this will ensure a form of self protection, the engaging of the mind fortress that keeps out harmful and untrue influences. 

Many people are doing the opposite and keeping out truth to. justify how they behave. 

Master your senses and you will become formidable. 

A man’s power and freedom is not in what he indulges but in what he doesn’t.” 

3. Cultivate The Capacity For Fierceness

Men have been fed so many lies about masculinity to the point where they have lost their identity and ability to stand against injustice. 

A man should have the capacity for chaos. Young men are not taught this extremely important point. Being harmless is a form of self harming. They have been set up to become victims in life. 

The Japanese warrior code of Bushido doesn’t differentiate between the way a man physically trains, his capacity for chaos and a mindset of compassion and courage. 

Explore a form of physical exercise which makes you dangerous but you also have it firmly under control. 

Running and cycling won’t do it and neither will building muscle. One of the reasons so many men are well built now is it’s the one socially acceptable area to demonstrate masculinity. 

It doesn’t work and it’s not enough. 

Focus on a counter poise to being socially acceptable because if socially acceptable is suppression and being harmless, you will lose in life and needlessly suffer. 

Strong men create good times, not just for themselves but for those around them. 

“Behind the man stood a beast, awaiting direction when needed for the greater good.”

4. Align your words and actions. 

 What you say must be done. You must come from a position of truthful speech and back it up with action.

Better still, act first and speak after. 

If your actions are incongruent with your speech, then your words are neutralised by your actions. 

Develop this  in yourself and then you will be able to notice it in others and soon work out who to trust and who to avoid. 

“His actions were such, that he didn’t need to speak many words.’

5. Keep your ego in check.  

Humility and interest in other people leaves the most powerful impact on others. 

A man that constantly speaks about his achievements and virtue signals, is displaying a direct sign that he is deeply insecure and looking for admiration and praise. 

Never look for admiration and praise. These are the traits of the amateur man and one who is deeply afraid of never being enough. 

Come from a position of service over self serving and life will reflect this back at you accordingly. 

“The more the man shunned admiration and praise, the greater he received it.” 

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